
This year, I am participating in the #OneWord17 challenge: #accomplish.

This is my #OneWord17 because it is the year that I will engage in the present moment and get things done. It’s time for me to stop waiting to feel that the situation is ‘right’ to get X task done and just #accomplish.

Last week, in my 5 am spin class, while this song played:, the instructor asked us to reflect on the lyrics. I started thinking back to my #OneWord17.

They got scared when the lights went low
When the world’s spinning out of control
Afraid of what they might lose
I’ll get it if you need it
When you get worried I’ll be your soldier

Initially, #accomplish was for me. However, this song and the instructor challenged me to think more about my actions. Often, we forget about the influence our actions may have on others. For example, a spin class has the ability to influence me and others:

Spin for me

• provides “me” time to think and process
• provides me time stop thinking
• contributes to my desired level of fitness
• opportunities to meet new people
• challenges me

Spin for others
• may inspire others to try a new workout
• others may see the positive impact of “me time,” and may begin making it a priority for themselves

By definition, influence means to affect or change someone or something in an indirect but usually important way.

My sister-in-law, Catherine, and I started spinning together about 6 months ago. Her initial comments stating how fun and addicting the workout was filled me with curiosity. Catherine unintentionally inspired me. 7 months later, we continue to hold each other accountable. We feel equally guilty if we miss a class, knowing the other one is counting on us to be there and to share our first cup of coffee. Catherine is my spin soldier.

Robin Olson frequently inspires me. I had the pleasure of being an instructional coach at Robin’s site, and not a day goes by where her influence doesn’t impact my actions. Regardless of what is on Robin’s plate, she puts her students, staff, and families first. Her ability to make you feel as if each day is about your happiness is admirable. As an administrator, Robin models a mindset that impacts others… “If you aren’t happy to come to work, there is no point in discussing anything else.” When you get worried, Robin is truly a soldier for each individual at her site. Whether this is intentional or not, Robin’s actions influence and inspire others, modifying their own behavior or performance

Regardless of role: sibling, spouse, co-worker, teacher, instructional coach, interventionist, administrator, or central office employee, it is essential that we attack each day with the intent to positively influence others.

As I reflect on Gavin Degraw’s lyrics, I think about the importance of keeping an awareness of the possible influence my #accomplishments and actions may have on others. Challenging myself to be someone else’s soldier through my actions.

Educator and consultant, Alisa Simeral said, “Maintaining a passion for our craft is becoming harder to do, and the need to invest, influence, and inspire is crucial. Teacher leaders have the capacity to get others excited about teaching again…” Moving forward with my #accomplishments, I intend to keep this in mind.

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