Just Start!

This evening I was working on developing a session on self-reflection. Which, for those of you who know me this probably isn’t a shock. Relationships and self-reflection are the two major components of building capacity…according to myself. While it’s very easy for me to present on both of these topics, it hasn’t been easy for me to represent this passion personally. I spend a lot of time thinking about relationships and self-reflection, yet I don’t document my own journeys.

Last week, prior to our first session on coaching for new Implementation Specialists I was thinking about “starting” this personal journey, being more transparent with my thinking. While contemplating my route I caught myself singing along with Taylor Swift to “Blank Space”. I took it as a sign…it was the metaphor of my thinking.

Tonight, the idea finally came to me…just start! There is no point in setting a personal goal for myself if I am not going to declare it on day 1. The likelihood of honoring a commitment increases when we tell others about our commitment.  Therefore, tonight I am declaring my goal to anyone reading this blog. This year, I will make it a priority to share my self-reflections with the world. In hopes that you, the reader will see how self-reflection can improve your impact.

I plan to reflect on presentations, interactions, personal experiences, readings and life in general. Who knows where or what this will look like a year from now, but here goes nothing…