Be Kind To One Another

A guilty pleasure of mine is to race home after a long day, in search of some me time with my idol Ellen DeGeneres. Regardless of the day, Ellen guarantees me a good laugh and usually a tear or two.

Talk about the perfect day job, encouraging people to “Be kind to one another.”

Today, I watched Ellen gift a car, sign, and $10,000 to Mr. Corey’s Cookies. In case you haven’t heard of Mr. Corey’s Cookies, it’s a cookie dough company started by an adorable 11-year-old entrepreneur. Ellen’s rational for supporting this young boy’s company…to help build his confidence. What an amazing confidence booster right?

While I’d love to grant people their dream wish on a daily basis, I don’t have the pocketbook or the sponsors that Ellen does. Although, I do have an understanding that everyone thrives on acknowledgement.

Finding ten minutes of personal time is hard, let alone finding time to acknowledge someone else. As I witness with Ellen, making someone else’s day also makes your day. Whether it be a $10,000-dollar check, a Hershey’s Kiss, or a simple Post-it note, positive feedback and acknowledgement lead to confidence… and confidence leads to success.

“Be kind to one another,” such simple words, yet when acted upon days and lives can be impacted.

What was your act of kindness today?

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